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The prisoner glanced at the s--they were grated; he had changed his prison for another that was conveying hi, however, Dantes saw they were passing through the Rue Caisserie, and by the Rue Saint-Laurent and the Rue Tarane

The carriage stopped, the officer descended, approached the guardhouse, a dozen soldiers came out and formed themselves in order; Dantes saw the reflection of their ht of the lamps on the quay

"Can all this force be suht he

The officer opened the door, which was locked, and, without speaking a word, answered Dantes' question; for he saeen the ranks of the soldiers a passage forendarmes ere opposite to hiendarmes on each side of him followed his example They advanced towards a boat, which a custom-house officer held by a chain, near the quay

The soldiers looked at Dantes with an air of stupid curiosity In an instant he was placed in the stern-sheets of the boat, between the gendarmes, while the officer stationed himself at the bow; a shove sent the boat adrift, and four sturdy oarsmen impelled it rapidly towards the Pilon At a shout from the boat, the chain that closes the mouth of the port was lowered and in a second they were, as Dantes knew, in the Frioul and outside the inner harbor

The prisoner's first feeling was of joy at again breathing the pure air--for air is freedohed, for he passed before La Reserve, where he had that h the open s cahter and revelry of a ball Dantes folded his hands, raised his eyes to heaven, and prayed fervently

The boat continued her voyage They had passed the Tete de Morte, were now off the Anse du Pharo, and about to double the battery This manoeuvre was inco me?" asked he

"You will soon know"

"But still"-"We are forbidden to give you any explanation" Dantes, trained in discipline, knew that nothing would be more absurd than to question subordinates, ere forbidden to reply; and so he rehts passed through his e; there was no vessel at anchor outside the harbor; he thought, perhaps, they were going to leave him on some distant point He was not bound, nor had they ury Besides, had not the deputy, who had been so kind to him, told him that provided he did not pronounce the dreaded na to apprehend? Had not Villefort in his presence destroyed the fatal letter, the only proof against him?