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M Morrel felt that further resistance or reated to enforce the law, and perfectly well knew that it would be as unavailing to seek pity froistrate decked with his official scarf, as to address a petition to so forward There are situations which the heart of a father or a mother cannot be made to understand He prayed and supplicated in terh fir of you to callected soo, and it is iven the infor the health of his crew, or the value of his freight"
"What is the lars, who had assumed an air of utter surprise
"How can I tell you?" replied he; "I a on, and cannot in the least make out what it is about" Caderousse then looked around for Fernand, but he had disappeared
The scene of the previous night now ca clearness The painful catastrophe he had just witnessed appeared effectually to have rent away the veil which the intoxication of the evening before had raised between himself and hisvoice, to Danglars, "this, then, I suppose, is a part of the trick you were concerting yesterday? All I can say is, that if it be so, 'tis an ill turn, and well deserves to bring double evil on those who have projected it"
"Nonsense," returned Danglars, "I tell you again I have nothing whatever to do with it; besides, you know very well that I tore the paper to pieces"
"No, you did not!" answered Caderousse, "youin a corner"
"Hold your tongue, you fool!--what should you know about it?--why, you were drunk!"
"Where is Fernand?" inquired Caderousse
"How do I know?" replied Danglars; "gone, as every prudent ht to be, to look after his own affairs, o and see what is to be done for our poor friends"
During this conversation, Dantes, after having exchanged a cheerful shake of the hand with all his sy friends, had surrendered hi, "Make yourselves quite easy, ood fellows, there is some little mistake to clear up, that's all, depend upon it; and very likely I o so far as the prison to effect that"