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Now of a sudden he strode towards her, and as he came her bosom swelled, her lashes drooped, for it see only man, my Beltane paused and tre before her on his knees, spake very humbly and with head loed
"Helen--show me a little mercy!" he pleaded "Would'st that I abasethee because of my unworthiness But O believe--believe, for every base doubt of thee this heart hath known, now doth it grieve reue hath spoke thee, now doth it huiveness! But know you this, that fro sorrow and re and I a creature lost and desolate--O Helen, pityhi lashes tears glittered (though swift dashed away) but--slowly, very slowly, one white hand ca up she rose in haste and shrank away Now Beltane, perceiving only this last gesture, sprang up, fierce-eyed: "How?" quoth he, "a so base my presence doth offend thee--then, as God liveth, ne'er shalt see me more until thou thyself do summon me!"
Even as he spake thus, swift and passionate, Giles claarden, stared to behold Beltane striding towards hi hireen door, sped out and away
Now as Giles stood to rub his arape in wonderment, he started to find the Duchess beside hiht and her cheeks very red, and,her look, poor Giles fell suddenly abashed
"Noble lady--" he faltered
"Foolish Giles!" said she, "go, suer hier," said she, frowning a little, "saw you o but now?"
"Aye, verily, dearup his hair, "but wherefore--"
"And I," said Giles, cherishing his arer, "would'st have hier--"
"Then forsooth will I go fetch hier"
"But--dear lady--an thou dost want hi him by other means!" said the Duchess, "aye, he shall couish sht the herself, looked from one tanned face to the other and spake therew hed and shook his head; said he: "Lady, here is tale shall wring his noble heart,mine also--"