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The Monk M G Lewis 7570K 2023-09-02

'And what prevents you, Matilda?' interrupted the Friar; 'Why is your business in the Cavernof your confidence? Matilda, I must doubt the truth of your affection, while you have joys in which I arieve sincerely that I aed to conceal from you my happiness But I am not to blame: The fault lies not in me, but in yourself, my Ambrosio! You are still too much the Monk Your mind is enslaved by the prejudices of Education; And Superstition ht ht me to prize and value At present you are unfit to be trusted with a secret of such i in your eyes, makes me hope that you will one day deserve my confidence Till that period arrives, restrain your iiven ht's adventures I insist upon your keeping this oath: For though' She added sh I forgive your breaking your vows to heaven, I expect you to keep your vows to me'

The Friar returned the embrace which had set his blood on fire The luxurious and unbounded excesses of the forht were renewed, and they separated not till the Bell rang for Matins

The same pleasures were frequently repeated The Monks rejoiced in the feigned Rosario's unexpected recovery, and none of them suspected his real sex The Abbot possessed his Mistress in tranquillity, and perceiving his frailty unsuspected, abandoned himself to his passions in full security Shaer tormented him Frequent repetitions ainst the stings of Conscience In these sentied by Matilda; But She soon are that She had satiated her Lover by the unbounded freedo accustomed to him, they ceased to excite the same desires which at first they had inspired The deliriu past, He had leisure to observe every trifling defect: Where none were to be found, Satiety lutted with the fullness of pleasure: A Week had scarcely elapsed before He earied of his Paramour: His warratification of his lust: But when the ust, and his huh impatiently for variety