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Chapter 1


Nen: new school, new attitude? Nah, well irls there after all, so I et the lay of the land

Dad had disrupted otten a pro in the dough before, but apparently this new position caht over my head

Parents shouldn’t be allowed to muck up their kids’ existence out of the blue like this, but what the hell?

My brother the jock, was cho at the bit This new school supposedly had a better football progra in the Nationals, yadda, yadda, yadda, like I gave a frack

All I know is that h school was not supposed to be like this

I was just getting into the groove of things Moin seal, aka I was allowed to date and wham

Right when I was going overthis crap onto a rinky-dink nowhere town, but an upscale neighborhood outside of Hollywood

Mo elboith movie stars and Uber rich types I waswith stuck up starlet wanna-be’s and their bullshit

I’m no slouch in the looks department; any sixteen-year old chick asn’t aware of her attributes in this day and age was living under a big ass rock in Nowheres Ville

I’m not one of them I have a mirror or two to attest to the fact that I can hold ot the ‘tude to back that shit up

Still, it was a bit of a buain

Adults are the pits, just saying They seem to think that it’s pretty okay to call all the shots and drag their poor underlings all over hell and back on a whieration, but who can blame me?

“Sian hon are you still mad at your old man?” Dad kissed the top of my head, which he knows is my weakness

I’ th of tiive it my best shot

“Yes and it’s gonna cost ya pops” I schooled my face into the sternest expression I couldup at him as he towered over me

Dad hat ross At thirty-six he ell built, froym no doubt, and his coal black hair was still full and boyishly char as mom likes to say

He has eous, a nice deep navy blue I just wish he’d have given ht too