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"Your hand high, ready to fire!" repeated Raoul's co completed the circle which it described

upon itself, closed again; and the twotheir breath

At last, the Persian decided to make a movement; and Raoul heard hi in the dark with his groping

hands Suddenly, the darkness was made visible by a small dark lantern

and Raoul instinctively stepped backward as though to escape the

scrutiny of a secret eneed to the Persian, whoseThe

little red disk was turned in every direction and Raoul saw that the

floor, the walls and the ceiling were all for It must

have been the ordinary road taken by Erik to reach Christine's


the Persian's reht that it had been host himself Later, he learned that Erik had found, all

prepared for hi known to himself alone and

contrived at the time of the Paris Coht to the dungeons that had been

constructed for them in the cellars; for the Federates had occupied the

opera-house ihteenth of March and had olfier balloons, which

carried their incendiary proclaht at the bottom

The Persian went on his knees and put his lantern on the ground He