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As the hunt for the fugitives had continued all day, everyone, police,

villagers and soldiers, eary and disheartened Consequently, when

the three men met near the Fort, there seemed to be few people about

This was just as well, as they would have been followed to the jetty,

and obviously it was best to keep the strangewith Captain

Hervey as secret as possible However, Don Pedro had taken Inspector

Date into his confidence, as it was ie

of the late Mrs Jasher, in which the officer had taken up his quarters,

without being discovered Date was quite willing that the trio should

go, but stipulated that he should come also He had heard all about

Captain Hervey in connection with the ht that he would

like to ask that sailor a few leading questions

"And if I see fit I shall detain him until the inquest is over," said

Date, which was mere bluff, as the inspector had no warrant to stop The

Firefly or arrest her skipper

The threethe

cinder path abreast of the cottage, and the quartette proceeded further

irasses to the rude old

wooden jetty, near which Hervey intended to stop his ship The night was

quite clear of fog, strange to say, considering the late sea--wreaths were entirely