Page 37 (1/2)
After witnessing his brother like this, he came to a conclusion Murdoch was already ruined without Daniela regardless
I'll be broken if I lose her in the future - or if I lose her now
Now that this realization had struck hined to it It's too late for rimaced as his wounds punished him for it At least now he knew
For the first time in weeks, he felt optimistic about his future All he had to do was convince her to forgive hiued with her, he would soh when it really counted
He craved seeing Daniela again and was eager to get this sorted out between them, but he was still too weak, and he didn't want her to see him like this
Kristoff had put him on teeks' leave, so Murdoch could wait another day or two
After all, he knew exactly where she'd be
Danii's ear twitched a split second before she heard the ?"
So the vampire's returned "Away," she said as she zipped up her second suitcase
"You were just going to disappear without a word?"
"I'll bet you've never done that to a woone Thought you'd be busy trolling for humans"
"I haven't looked at another woman since - "
"Anyway, I wrote you a note on the dresser," Danii interrupted, uninterested in whatever he'd come to say
He snatched up the paper where she'd written: Murdoch, it's been real Daniela
"Hoere you going to leave?"
"I have ways" Ways being the one Sno-Cat operator in Russia ould journey to this place, the one due to arrive in an hour
Murdoch crumpled the note in his fist "Hoould I have been able to find you?"
She paused in her packing, briefly glancing up at hih he always dressed well, tonight he seereat care with his clothes He wore an expensive sweater and luxe overcoat His boots had been polished
She sported a miniskirt and a camisole With no shoes "Why are you all dressed up?" she asked irritably