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It was the end of the Golden Age of human colonization As of 2494 CE it was still a tiun to overreach its logistical ability to control her colonies Several factors led to the destabilization of the more distant, or as later called, ―Outer" Colonies

1 There idely varying standards for recruitment to the Outer Colonies ―Colonization contractors" were hts than providing the ally conscripted, and others were law-breakers granted pardons if they agreed to go--all of which led to these colonists being less than absolutely loyal to Earth

2 Soal or illegalworlds, partially or wholly outside Earth‘s control

3 Continued taxes, levies, and restricted trade practices by the CMA increased friction as the Outer Colonies received only a fraction of the benefits they were taxed for

The situation was a probleical dimensions Mathematically the volume of the sphere increases as its radius cubed, and so the nue and the fact that they encapsulated the Inner Core worlds, there was the belief that Earth and her close colonies were literally surrounded by increasingly hostile forces

Many now think this was a skewed perception, and that given diploh time, Earth and her Inner Colonies could have establishedcousins Others point out, however, that had there been no ht have risen to power and threatened the core worlds at the worst possible moment in human history

All theoretical analysis aside, the United Earth government and her colonies developed new

policies and an increased military presence that would provoke further unfortunate responses from the Outer Coloniesand lead to an undeclared Civil War

For that, Earth would need more ships and crewsand officers to lead them


SCHOOL (2489–2493 CE)

Cole’s academic record at the Acadena curees of excellence and specialization fro incidents, and the usual swept-under-the-rug blemishes that are on any cadet’s recordthere is only one incident of particular note

During Cole’s junior year, there was a series of incidents with Adht disappearances fros of the young lady in the coical consequences of these liaisons

The scandal culht before a Board of Inquiry

{Excerpt} Transcription of Cole, P J (UNSC Service Number:

00814-13094-BQ) testimony before Board of Inquiry, Academy

at Mare Nubium

JAG Incident Report (local) 475-A \ June 7, 2492 (Military

Calendar) \ Log (video, spatial, psychological enhancement =


FILE SEALED (UNSC-JAG ORD: 8-PD-3861), June 13,

2492 (Military Calendar)

Seated Board of Inquiry: Colonel Mitchell K Lima (UNSC Service Number: 00512-5991-IX),

Captain Maria F Gilliam, JAG officer in residence (UNSC Service Number: 00622-7120-RJ), Frank O Welker (Civilian Liaison to the Academy at Mare Nubium, Civilian ID: 8813-316-0955-G)

[Crewman Apprentice Preston J Cole is sworn in before the Board]

COLONEL LIMA: State your name for the record

CREWMAN COLE: Cole, Preston J, sir

CAPTAIN GILLIAM: Tell us, Cadet, where exactly you were between 1900 and 2300 hours three days ago?

[Cole reht Since Cole is right-handed this indicates he is accessing the visual )]

COLE: I was on watch duty on Shadow Perimeter Three with Cadets Parkins, Haverton, and

Tasov, ma‘am

MR FRANK O WELKER: Describe ―shadow perimeter three" for me, Cadet

COLE: Yes, Mr Welker Shadow Perimeter Three is the colloquial term used for the series of tunnels and surface tubes that run across the Mare Nubiu the Academy to the civilian sectors of Asimov Center The ―shadow" part of the name comes from the shadows cast frouard that particular section?

[Cole‘s eyes now lock forward]

COLE: I was ordered to do so

GILLIAM: Cadet, speculate as to the reason required for guarding Perimeter Three

COLE: Yes, uarded perirounds Second, there have been recent reports of unauthorizedinto the civilian territories

[The five other cadets ait questioning in the tribunal chamber shift in their seats]

LIMA: Do you know of any such unauthorized crossing of our military personnel?

COLE: I have not read of any such occurrences in the incident report, sir

LIMA: That was not ht down]

COLE: I have never seen any such incidents, sir If I had I would have atte If I could not, I would have immediately reported it and been required to


GILLIAM: You say ―never seen," but have you heard rual base crossing on or off your watch?

[Cole ss, eyes back up, staring past Captain Gilliam]

COLE: I cannot substantiate any rumors I may or may not have heard, oing to re any ation is a serious offense that carries a ives no response]

LIMA: I a you know about anyof the twenty-fifth--or any taion during that ti

[Cole inhales deeply, looks directly at Colonel Liunusual

[Captain Gillia the at attention]

GILLIAM: If you are trying to protect a fellow cadet through some sense of camaraderie or

honor--it isservice record to protect

someone who, to be blunt, does not deserve to be an officer

[At this time, Admiral Konrad Volkov enters the room and sits]

[Cole faces the tribunal and cannot possibly see the adins to sweat]

COLE: Sir, what kind of officer would I make if I said what you wanted ardless of whether it is the truth or not? Or if I guessed at any wrong-doing to

LIMA: Crewman Cole, you are in contempt of this Board of Inquiry I‘ll deal with you later

[(Colonel Liuardsofficers, turns, makes direct eye contact with Admiral Volkov, and is e

The State of Mare Nubiue, Justice of the Peace, or Minister:

You are hereby authorized to join:

Preston Jeree XX

In the Holy State of Matri to the Constitution of Luna Confederated States and for so doing shall be your License And you are hereby required to return this License to me with your Certificate herein of the fact and date of Marriage within thirty days after said Marriage

Given under ust, 2492

Quinn Lloyd (Licensing Officer, Newton County), Ordinary


I Certify that Preston Jeremiah Cole and Inna Volkov were joined in Matriust, Two Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Two

Recorded 21 August, 2492

In presence of Witnesses:

Michael H Cole