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"I’m not sure I can be that man," Gawyn said
"Why not? Of all the ht it would be you"
"It’s different with Egwene I can’t explain why"
"Well, if you wish to marry an Aht It frustrated hih about that," he said "I notice the topic moved away from al’Thor"
"Because there was no more to say about hierous"
Elayne waved her hand "Saidin is cleansed"
"Of course he would say that"
"You hate him," Elayne said "I can hear it in your voice This isn’t about Mother, is it?"
He hesitated She’d grown so good at twisting a conversation Was that the queen in her, or the Aes Sedai? He nearly turned the boat back toward the dock But this was Elayne Light, but it felt good to talk to someone who really understood him
"Why do I hate al’Thor?" Gawyn said "Well, there’s Mother But it’s not just her I hate what he’s becoon Reborn?"
"A tyrant"
"You don’t know that, Gawyn"
"He’s a sheepherder What right does he have to cast down thrones, to change the world as he does?"
"Particularly while you huddled in a village?" He’d told her most of what had happened to him in the last fewforced to kill your friends, then were sent to your death by your Amyrlin"
"So it’s jealousy," Elayne said softly
"No Nonsense I…"