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No Gawyn forced himself to keep his temper Once, that hadn’t been nearly so hard
Why was Chubain so hostile toward hi how his mother would have handled such aso brought his mind back to al’Thor That murderer had been allowed to walk away frowene had held him in her hand, and had released hion Reborn But in his heart, Gaanted to h hion Reborn or not
Al’Thor would rip you apart with the One Power, he told hi foolish, Gawyn Trakand His hatred of al’Thor continued to s, pointing at the door Chubain looked annoyed they hadn’t found the forced lock The Tower Guard was not a policing force--the sisters had no need of that, and were ation anyway But Gawyn could tell that Chubain wished he could stop thethe Tower, and its occupants, was part of his duty
So he and Gaorked for the same cause But Chubain acted as if this were a personal contest between theh his side did, essentially, ht And as far as he knows, I’m one of Bryne’s favored men
Gaasn’t a Warder, yet he was a friend of the Amyrlin He dined with Bryne Hoould that look to Chubain, particularly now that Gawyn had been given power to look in on the ht as Chubain shot hi to take his position He thinks I want to be High Captain of the Tower Guard!
The concept was laughable Gawyn could have been First Prince of the Sword--should have been First Prince of the Sword--leader of Andor’s arase Trakand, one of the most influential and powerful rulers Andor had ever known He had no desire for this man’s position
That wouldn’t be how it looked to Chubain Disgraced by the destructive Seanchan attack, he er
"Captain," Gawyn said, "may I speak with you in private?"
Chubain looked at Gawyn suspiciously, then nodded toward the hallway The two of them retreated Nervous Tower servants waited outside, ready to clean the blood away
Chubain folded his arms and inspected Gawyn "What is it you wish of me, ht He still felt the shame of how he’d bullied his way into Bryne’s cas, enduring the confusion and then the shaed him He couldn’t continue down that path
"Captain," Gawyn said, "I appreciate you letting me inspect the room"
"I didn’t have much choice"
"I realize that But you have my thanks nonetheless It’s i If I find soreat deal for"I suspect it could"
"Maybe she’ll finally have me as her Warder"
Chubain blinked "Her…Warder?"