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Niko stripped the soldier bare He left him in his underwear but even took his socks

The socks he put on Max, then he put the soldier’s boots on Max, then he put the soldier’s coat on Max

To their credit, neither Batiste nor Ulysses said a word about fair

Niko put the soldier’s pants on over his own layers I guess he thought they would be too long for Max

The vials were flares and I got to wear the belt

"I’ set somewhere safe," Niko said "Then we’ll eat and drink"

"Like where?" moaned Sahalia

"Another car?" Niko said

There was so so bleak about his voice, even Sahalia knew not to press hi us I was sure of it

There were sounds, co

I was pretty sure

Then I saw Niko perk up, after he heard the sounds, too

"Niko, did you notice that Josie, even when in that enraged O-monster state, was able to form full sentences?" I asked hiht"

"Dean couldn’t speak that hen he attacked me," I continued "Maybe Josie’s--"

Niko held up his hand to shush ht scare her away"

Then his pace picked up some

What Niko did next was a total surprise toto have to walk much farther"

"Why not?" said Max in a thick voice

"Mrs Wooly"

"What do youfor us, of course"

Sahalia snorted

"Really?" Batiste asked

"Of course," Niko said "She’s got a new bus, I bet Orfor us"

"What’s in the bus? Ulysses wants to know," Max said

"Well, it’s a really nice bus So of course, it has a kitchen stocked with food and drinks"

"What kind of food and drinks?" Batiste asked

"Uination couldn’t quite keep up with his own narrative

"There’s a tray of sandwiches," I joined in "With plastic wrap over it Like from a deli And there’s potato salad and macaroni salad and pickles To drink there’s pop, but also fresh-squeezed orange juice"

"You knohat’s cool about the bus?" Sahalia added

I thought she’d say "nothing"

But instead she said, "It’s got beds in it I’m serious These white beds with clean sheets and fluffy duvets"

"What are duvets?" Max asked

"They’re these comforters stuffed with feathers and they’re incredibly soft and war to take us?" Max asked

"I’ll tell you where…," Niko said

We walked for a oing to drive straight there"

It was good, to talk about so real

I know that sounds stupid because, of course, ere talking about was totally fantasy

But one o, ould have been more far-fetched: a ride in a van stocked with sandwiches and beds, or a series of environmental catastrophes that would leave us in a dark world filled with corpses andwhile

No one bothered us or attacked us

And every once in a while I caught the sound of so us

And I was happy, because I kneas Josie

And Niko did, too



DAY 14