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My decision lance at Ethan, and stood up to smooth my dress "Dillon, I’d love to dance with you"
Dillon’s skills were such that he ood out there And it was fun When he spun auzy wave and I loved it I felt pretty and desirable for the first tio brides fun while I sat around on ed to Bloodstrea me company, and looked around for Ethan It was one of s and reht have inhaled you--I can feel you behind otten intoto that particular song with anyone other thanwith Gwen anyone? My husband should be dancing withNot soing very fast
Quite frankly, I was irritated He’d basically abandoned uys, and then went off to dance with another wo this way, and for the first tiine he was avoidinghe’d been fine, and later before the ceremony he’d co, attentive man, as he alith me But then, after the ceremony moved onto the reception, he seemed distant, and went off with Ivan and Elaina’s brother, Ian, for so hearts and love blosso to hi, I re All Ethan--all the ith the--let’s-get- second thoughts about his new ball-n-chain, then he was just a little goddaame at the moment? Full-blown asslery to the nant and crabby wife
I kissed the bride and grooured I’d see the rest of the crowd toht noas ready fora tiny human made me require a ton more sleep than usual As I steered for the staircase, I treated myself to a mini-tantru had been for me Talk about a buzz-kill
My decision in favor of sleep, over searching out wherever Ethan had gotten lost was really very easy for ht, anyway When I got up to our rooown and settled into the lonely bed, feeling bereft, wondering when he would stumble up to join me But I did knoould make it eventually
That was the thing with us I trusted Ethan even though he was being an ass He knew the lay of the land withholding us together
Good sex wasn’t love
For me, honest devotion and loyalty was love
If Ethan ever cheated on me I would walk out his door and never look back I knew it He knew it
I gave her half an hour before following her up the stairs I wanted to wait longer so the alcohol buzz would dullaway from her another moment I needed my tranquillizer Neil had said it tome out of my hell when I felt like this…except her