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The instant they were out of the building, the cool San Francisco night air whipping around her, she challenged hiht be hiding?"
Blake cut her a sideways look and clicked the lock of the truck on the key ring "Ignacio would have called and told the to see they don’t want us to see"
"To for us to see We didn’t give the an idea of the layout and trying to ensure a way back in when they don’t expect us?"
He stopped at the tail of the truck and turned to look at her "And all of this is the thought process of a secretary?"
She drew back slightly "You think a secretary can’t logically think through how to deal with a problehed "Well played, Kara You’re good Fast-talking and sharp with your answers Just not as good as nored the reut says we need to tour tonight We’ll discover so we need to find"
His lips co you didn’t tell me about"
"No" Da to hiut says so"
"Giveback in"
She inhaled and forced it out "We need to go back in"
"Not a good enough answer"
"Daently, but insistently, pulled her against hiet you off" He kissed her, fast and hard "End of story" He released her "Now get in the truck"