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"Thought so"
"You’re very annoying"
"He is," Autu over to punch hiiving hi his chin as his aret back to Kai?" Justin asks, and I want to pout that Sven’s leaving again, but I hold it in since I know he doesn’t need that right now
"Yeah, ive me a squeeze
"Do not leave the house for any reason"
"What if there’s a fire?"
"Stay inside"
"What if there’s a fire?" I repeat, and his eyes close then his forehead drops to mine
"Please stay inside, baby"
"Fine" I close hter, and then I lift up, placingthere, "Be safe and come back soon"
"Soon as I can" He kisses et into the Suburban, with Kenton behind the wheel and Justin getting into the back
"I can’t wait until this is done," Autuuys pull away
"Me neither," I agree, s as Sven points at the house in a silent deo in before he co when she laughs
"Not sure what you were thinking, but next ti you in the closet," Zack says as soon as we enter the house
"I’m sorry," I tell hi like that again and you will be"
"Zack," I whisper, taking a step toward hi up his hands, his eyes hold ht now"
"I know, and I promise I will be on my best behavior from now on"
"I know you will be, because--no joke--I will lock your ass in a closet if I have to"
"I believe you"
"You should"
"I do," I agree, trying to fight a smile, but he catches it anyway