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Sustained Emma Chase 14860K 2023-09-01


"What were your findings?"

He pauses, like he really doesn’t want to answer But he really doesn’t have a choice

"I determined there was not sufficient evidence of abuse to warrant action"

My fingers tingle with unspent energy "So you closed the case file?"


"And two hbor found Matildadigging through the garbage Looking for food"

"Because her parents were starving her," I state, h you had deter place?"

For the first time he looks uilty Haunted by the ghosts of lost children and faceless names "What exactly is your point, Mr Becker?"

I walk closer "You said it’s your job to be critical--to deteruardian and who is not So, ency just flat out get it wrong"

I let the words hang

Walking back to the table, I add, "Wouldn’t you agree?"

"No, I would not"

"Oh, no?" I lift a box from the floor and place it on the table "I have a box full of tragic exa"

He stutters "Everyeach case is different Just becausecircumstances may have been overlooked in one instance doesn’t mean there will be errors in the next one" He takes a breath, co himself "You speak of those children, Mr Becker, rattle off their naes--because they’re just names to you ToThey’re not just names--they’re faces Riley’s, Rory’s, Rosaleen’s--I saw theod-awful reports

"I will do everything in my power not to fail another child under our care" Se of the witness box "Which is precisely why the McQuaid children should res--"

I slap ht that up Let’s talk about them" My movements are swift and sure as I stalk back and forth in front of him "You said in your report it was the combination of events that pushed you to reht"

"One of those events was Riley McQuaid being detained at a party where alcohol was present"