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Sustained Emma Chase 14780K 2023-09-01

She scoops nasty-looking green slop into Ronan’s mouth--and I almost vomit all over the floor He seems to enjoy it "Oh, you’re up," she says cheerily Then, less so, "You look awful"

"That makes sense," I mutter "Awful is how I feel"

I sit at the island while Ray various juices, capsules, and gelcaps into it Then he turns the blender on And rainy concoction gets plopped into a glass and set in front of me They stare at me--even the baby--like I’m the wolf man at those freak-show olden-days carnivals

"Is this really going to work?" I ask Raymond

"Well" He purses his lips "It’ll either work or you’ll throw up But either way, you’ll probably feel better"

He does have a point

I choke it down, trying not to breathe, in a few gulps Then I burp nastily and roans I putkill me"

"Okay, kids, tis and backpacks ae down the hall and out the front door I think I fall asleep for a few minutes, because the next time I open my eyes and lift my head, it’s just lass of water in front of me, her expression neutral

"Thank you"

I don’t rees But I still feel the need to say, "I’ dishes in the sink "It’s not like you accosted lances atsmile

"Chelsea" There’s a desperation in my voice that makes her stop and meet my eyes "I’m sorry about what I said the other day, too You’re not just a ‘good tiht? You have to know that, you’reso much more And I don’t handlemorevery well"

Her stiff expression o soft and war her words, then says, "I missed you I knoas only a day, and I know that’s probably going to freak you outBut I like having you around--and everything that goes with it We don’t have toood with keeping things just as they are I think they’repretty aweso her closer I press it betweenit disappear So small So beautiful "I think they’re pretty awesorows "Good"

I yawn and stretchand godda to not feel like a du with that drink; hope he wrote the recipe down