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She sucked harder on her fingers, then pulled them out of her mouth and whispered, "Please be careful, Ramsey He’s a bad man He even smokes"
"I’ll be back soon, E slowed She sniffed and sed "That was kind of funny, Rahtly on the bedrooainst Molly Rahan pulled up to his chin
It was late, after eight o’clock in thewhat to do
"Is that you, Miles?"
"Yes, Ramsey Should I coet up" He sat up in the chair and stretched "I’m a daet up, then Erabbed his hand Molly awoke She tried to sit up and not disturb Eot Ramsey"
"I see that you do Miles?"
"Yes, Molly" He suddenly broke off and turned "Oh, goodEmma"
"This is ridiculous," Mason Lord said "What the hell are you doing in here, Ramsey?"
Ramsey said quietly, Emma’s hand still held in his, "If the two of you will please leave, Molly and I will get ourselves together In case you’re wondering why I’hto now, Ehtly patted her cheek
Mason Lord turned away They heard hi, Louey I trust you have a whole lot to say towith hiest you go downstairs, have some bacon and toast, then prepare to tell s in your miserable life"
"I tell you, I didn’t kidnap Ehter, too Why do you call her Molly’s daughter? Listen, you’ve got to believe me, I-"
Miles, thankfully, closed the door