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Love Me Never Sara Wolf 19560K 2023-09-01

Or I’ a total drama queen

I’ that happened in my life, but I probably shouldn’t have Compared to Moirls’ around the world, nificant It wasn’t bad Not compared to everyone else

It was just a couple seconds

It wasn’t years It wasn’t months, like Mom It wasn’t a family member Wasn’t someone I see anymore It didn’t even hurt There was no blood

It wasn’t bad

Not coet dressed slowly, carefully It’s a fancy place, but not too fancy, so I choose a shirt and jeans My hand hovers in ht over the Chanel box with the beautiful pink blouse The beautiful pink blouse that doesn’t suit me at all I could still wear it I could wear it, with a jacket over it so no one could see Mom wouldn’t see No one would see how duet some use, at least It’s an expensive blouse I don’t want it to go to waste

I know this beautiful blouse doesn’t suit ht, I want to be pretty Not hot, not fabulous, not loud or pushy or annoying Just…pretty Pretty and sweet and nice, like Kayla Like so irl

I pull it on, the chiffon like sainst my skin I put my jacket on, and check my makeup in the loss and eyeliner can’t hide that I can’t evenis too fresh, too open and bleeding

But Kayla’s waiting for the date she’s wanted her entire life Mo is fine I have to be fine I have to be the one person she can always count on, the one person who’s always fine – the huge sturdy stable as hell rock in the confusing ocean of her recovery

Mo out?"

"Yeah, with soo over fantastically if I told her I’ an escort to takeon said date to et my money’s worth

"Have fun! And drive safe"

"There’s leftovers in the fridge If you need me, I’ll have o!"

"Are you sure? Like, concrete-around-diamond sure you’ll be okay?"

"I’ll be fine! You’re not the o have fun"

"I love you"