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Cannon panicked, thinking Yvette would go closer to get the note
She didn’t budge from her seat "What does it say?" she asked softly
The note cruo to jail for o to jail either"
Afraid the lawyerin front of Yvette asslow so he wouldn’t provoke a reaction, he closed the case, fastened the lock and held it out "Take it No one will ever need to know"
Undecided, Whitaker licked his lips "I need to think" Raising his gun hand, he used his forearaze locked on Yvette "I think I should take her withwith as much finality as he could, "No"
"If she’s with me," he reasoned, "neither of you will try to follow You won’t call the cops either You’ll just have to wait until I release her"
His heart thundered "That is not happening"
Inhaling courage, ignoring Cannon’s protest, Whitaker nodded "I think that’s what I’ll do" He pointed the gun at Cannon "Co, Yvette, or I’ll have to shoot hi her back Eyes narrowed Pulse tripping "I already told you, she’s not going anywhere"
He lifted his chin "I’ll shoot you"
That was preferable to hi Yvette "No one dies fro take you apart before you get off a second shot"
Whitaker worked his jaw, then transferred his gaze to Arer on the trigger--
Ared to stay in front of her
Whitaker switched his aim
And pande Whitaker hard up against the cabinets so that his spine connected with the hard edge of the countertop They went down in a twist of arun went off twice, the noise deafening in the small kitchen
Cannon covered Yvette as best he could while quick stepping her into the dining room and around a divider wall There was another shot, and Arunpowder burned the air
Fear left Cannon breathless He grabbed Yvette’s shoulders, quickly looked her over, and other than wild eyes, parted lips and a pale face, she looked unhurt
He turned for the kitchen--and pulled up short at the sight of Ar a blue streak On the seat of his jeans, toward the right side, blood seeped through the torn deniht, not hunched in pain His gun hand was steady, his feet braced