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The Border Legion ZaneGrey 7400K 2023-09-01

"Mebbe But ain't it good figgerin' to make Cleve do some kind of a

job, even if he is on the square?"

They all acquiesced to this, even Kells slowly nodding his head

"Jack, I've thought of another an' better job for young Cleve,"

spoke up Jesse S him jobs now," replied Kells "What's yours?"

"You spoke of plannin' to get together once more--what's left of us

An' there's thet bull-head Gulden"

"You're sure right," returned the leader, griestion

"I never was afraid to speak rin and his coarse oin' to last!"

"Wood, what do you say?" queried Kells, with narrowing eyes

Bate Wood nodded as approvingly as if he had been asked about his


"Oliver, what do you say?"

"Wal, I'd love to wait an' see Gul hang, but if you press ree to stand pat with the cards Jesse's dealt," replied Handy


Then Kells turned with a bright gleam upon his face "And you--