Page 103 (1/2)
Joan went from man to e, sweetly and sadly friendly to each; and it was
not till she encountered the little Frenchman that the secret was
revealed Frenchy was of a different race Deep in the fiber of his
being inculcated a sentied in the
darkness of a wicked life, and now that so out
of the depths--and it was respect for a woht Yesterday these ruffians despised her; to-day they
respected her So they had believed what she had so desperately
flung at Jiood, they pitied her, they
respected her, they responded to her effort to turn a boy back from
a bad career They were bandits, desperados, murderers, lost, but
each reht have
felt or done had he possessed her, as Kells possessed her, did not
alter the case as it stood A strange inconsistency of character
ht not have hated in