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When Helena arrived ho

repulsive All the odours of the sordid street through which shecrept out in the heat The house

was bare and narrow She reht

her moths shut up in matchboxes As she knocked at the door she felt

like a nu off its leaf-rest into

his box

The door was opened by her mother She was a woave her the appearance of a bird

which walks about pecking suddenly here and there As Helena reluctantly

entered theto

peck forwards as she said: 'Well?' 'Well, here we are!' replied the daughter in a matter-of-fact tone

Her mother was inclined to be affectionate, therefore she became

proportionately cold

'So I see,' exclai her head in a peculiar jocular

ood,' replied Helena, still hter She recognized the peculiar

sulky, childish look she kneell, therefore,an effort, she

forbore to question

'You look well,' she said

Helena smiled ironically

'And are you ready for your supper?' she asked, in the playful,

affectionate manner she had assumed

'If the supper is ready I will have it,' replied her daughter