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'Take off that ers fro abruptly to the violinist

Helena looked slowly from her music

'My dear Louisa,' she replied, 'it would be si her white skirt with her bow in a kind of a pathetic


'But I can't understand it,' cried Louisa, bouncing on her chair with

the exaggeration of one who is indignant with a beloved 'It is only

lately you would even sub your violin At one time you

would have refused flatly, and no doubt about it' 'I have only lately subs,' replied Helena, who

seemed weary and stupefied, but still sententious Louisa drooped fro defiance

'At any rate,' she said, scolding in tones too naked with love, I don't

like it' '_Go on fro with her bow to the place

on Louisa's score of the Mozart sonata Louisa obediently took the

chords, and thein one of the wicker arirls to watch the flames poise and dance

with the er

in the roo in line with hundreds

of others of the saain the tran to the trams and to

the sound of the London traffic It was Helena's room, for which she was

responsible The walls were of the dead-green colour of August foliage;