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And--being Jean he shrugged his shoulders
They fell to discussing ways and arettes Sara Lee, arguing vehes, rearettes, and that Harvey himself disapproved of them Soure of disapproval
He gave her no estion she added to her report of so many men fed with
soup, so much tobacco, sort not specified, so many small wounds
dressed--a request that if possible her allowance be increased She did
it nervously, but when the letter had gone she felt a great relief She
enclosed a snapshot of the little house
Jean, as it happens, had lied about Henri Not once, but several tiland, and later
on he told Rene Then, having done his errand, he drove sixtheon
the bank of a canal watching an ao by
Jean backed into a lane and turned the car round After that Henri got
in and they went rapidly back toward the Front It was a different
Henri, however, who left the car a mile from the crossroads--a Henri in
the uniform of a French private soldier, one of those odd and