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The sound she uttered was low, but it reached the men's ears, and the two

whose backs were towards her turned as if they had been pricked He who

held the lanthorn raised it, and the five glared at her and she at them

Then a second cry, louder and more full of surprise, burst froh that he nonville, was her lover!

"Mon Dieu!" she whispered "What is it? What is it?"

Then, not till then, did he know her Until then the light of the

lanthorn had revealed only a cloaked and cowled figure, a gloomy phantom

which shook the heart of more than one with superstitious terror But

they knew her noo of thenonville

came forward

The mind has its moments of crisis, in which it acts upon instinct rather

than upon reason The girl never knehy she acted as she did; why she

asked no questions, why she uttered no exclaer on her lips and her eyes on his, she put the packet

into his hands

He took it froave it--with the hand

which held his bare blade That done, silent as she, with his eyes set

hard, he would have gone by her The sight of her there, guarding the

door of him who had stolen her from him, exasperated his worst passions

But she moved to hinder him, and barred the way With her hand raised

she pointed to the trapdoor