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"'Twas this way he ran!" "No, 'twas the other!" they contended; and

their words, winged with vile threats and oaths, grew noisy and hot The

two listeners dared scarcely to breathe The danger was so near, it was

so certain that if the men came three paces farther, they would observe

and search the haycart, that Tignonville fancied the steel already at his

throat He felt the hay rustle under his slightest ripped

one hand with the other to restrain the trelanced at the minister he found hinonville could have cursed hi on! An instant, and they perceived the cart, and

the ruffian who had advised this route pounced on it in triumph

"There! Did I not say so?" he cried "He is curled up in that hay, for

the Satan's grub he is! That is where he is, see you!"

"Maybe," another answered grudgingly, as they gathered before it "And

maybe not, Simon!"

"To hell with your maybe not!" the first replied And he drove his pike

deep into the hay and turned it viciously

The two on the top controlled thenonville's face was livid;