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Even Amy was for a moment interested by as to her so new a scene

"I had thought it ht s as they are Great God! and may not these idle

splendours resele spark, which is

instantly sed up by surrounding darkness--a precarious glohich rises but for a brief space into the air, that its fall may be the

lower? O Leicester! after all--all that thou hast said--hast sworn--that


at whose nod these enchantments arise, and that she sees theed, and repeated bursts of music, fro points of distance, which

sounded as if not the Castle of Kenilworth only, but the whole country

around, had been at once the scene of soleh national

festival, carried the saht still closer to her heart,

while so tones, as if in

compassion for her sorrows, and so her misery, with all the insolence of unlimited mirth "These

sounds," she said, "are mine--mine, because they are HIS; but I cannot