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The tears rose to her eyes, as she stood silent before Tressilian;
while, looking on her with rief and pity, he said, "Alas! Aue That speaks of a protector, willing
and able to watch over you; but these tell me you are ruined, and
deserted by the wretch to whom you have attached yourself"
She looked on hih her tears,
but only repeated the word "wretch!" with a scornful eht better, why are you
here, and alone, inprovision made for
your honourable reception?"
"In your apartment?" repeated Amy--"in YOUR apartment? It shall
instantly be relieved of my presence" She hastened towards the door;
but the sad recollection of her deserted state at once pressed on her
on the threshold, she added, in a tone unutterably
pathetic, "Alas! I had forgot--I know not where to go--"
"I see--I see it all," said Tressilian, springing to her side, and
leading her back to the seat, on which she sunk down "You DO need
aid--you do need protection, though you will not own it; and you shall