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They were in the Julian Richard had just joined them from All Hallohere the vicar had posted a bill, issued by Bishop Neville, announcing a public rievances The bishop named certain persons as dissidents and said he would determine what measures should be taken to resolve their differences with the abbey
'Why are we listed as dissidents?' John asked
'Because you put up that font and paraded round it,' Betty said 'You didn't '
'What about Jonnie Baret and his lot?'
'They're helping the bish put things right'
'How do you know that?'
'Sister Alice told me'
Betty pulled Richard's copy of the bill away fro towards it
'Alice said she'd discussed it with the mole He reckons the bish is none too impressed by Billy Bradfordthinks he's a bit of a dill'
'Alice and the rinned 'Do you think they're having it off?'
'Their relationship is purely Platonic,' Betty said
'What does thatit offthey're just good friends'