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But as young Jolyon had in his constitution the eleination ; for none who held these
views had been placed in a sied,
and could not, therefore, be expected to enter into their sensations It
was not until they were leaving the gardens--Jolly and Holly in a state
of blissful deliriu
to his son on the matter next his heart "I don't knohat to make of
it," he said; "if she's to go on as she's going on now, I can't tell
what's to come I wanted her to see the doctor, but she won't She's not
a bit like me She's your mother all over Obstinate as a , she won't, and there's an end of it!"
Young Jolyon smiled; his eyes had wandered to his father's chin 'A pair
of you,' he thought, but he said nothing
"And then," went on old Jolyon, "there's this Bosinney I should like to
punch the fellow's head, but I can't, I suppose, though--I don't see why
you shouldn't," he added doubtfully
"What has he done? Far better that it should come to an end, if they
don't hit it off!"
Old Jolyon looked at his son Now they had actually come to discuss
a subject connected with the relations between the sexes he felt