Page 51 (1/2)
Well, repeated Soa will very
likely go off!" With these words, taking up his uent's, withdreithout the faintest pressure,
and went out into the sun
He walked slowly back towards the site in deep thought His instinct
told hient had said was true A cheap site And the
beauty of it was, that he knew the agent did not really think it cheap;
so that his own intuitive knowledge was a victory over the agent's
'Cheap or not, Iup in front of his feet, the air was full of
butterflies, a sweet fragrance rose frorasses The sappy
scent of the bracken stole forth fro, and fro of church bells
Soa and closing
as though in anticipation of a delicious morsel But when he arrived
at the site, Bosinney was nowhere to be seen After waiting some little
time, he crossed the warren in the direction of the slope He would have
shouted, but dreaded the sound of his voice
The warren was as lonely as a prairie, its silence only broken by the
rustle of rabbits bolting to their holes, and the song of the larks
Soa to