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"Dinner, now--dinner!"

He took in Irene, on the ground that he had not entertained her since

she was a bride June was the portion of Bosinney, as placed

between Irene and his fiancee On the other side of June was James with

Mrs Nicholas, then old Jolyon with Mrs James, Nicholas with Hatty

Chess, the circle to Swithin


Family dinners of the Forsytes observe certain traditions There are,

for instance, no hors d'oeuvre The reason for this is unknown Theory

araceful price of oysters;

it is ood

practical sense deciding at once that hors d'oeuvre are but poor things

The Jameses alone, unable to withstand a custom almost universal in Park

Lane, are now and then unfaithful

A silent, almost morose, inattention to each other succeeds to the

subsidence into their seats, lasting till well into the first entree,

but interspersed with reain; I can't tell