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To young Jolyon the first sight of his father was undoubtedly a
shock--he looked so worn and old But in the cab he see the calht and keen-eyed
"You look well, Dad"
"Middling," old Jolyon answered
He was the prey of an anxiety that he found he ot his son back like this, he felt he must knoas his
financial position
"Jo," he said, "I should like to hear what sort of water you're in I
suppose you're in debt?"
He put it this way that his sonJolyon answered in his ironical voice:
"No! I'ry, and touched his hand He had run a
risk It orth it, however, and Jo had never been sulky with hiain, to Stanhope Gate Old Jolyon
invited hi Jolyon shook his head
"June's not here," said his father hastily: "went of to-day on a visit
I suppose you know that she's engaged to beJolyon'
Old Jolyon stepped out, and, in paying the cab fare, for the first tin inthe coin in his mouth, the cabman whipped his horse secretly on