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The subconscious offensiveness of their attitude has constituted old Jolyon's 'hoical moment of the family history, made it the prelude of their dra, not individually, but as a family; this resentment expressed itself in an added perfection of raieration of faer--so indispensable in bringing out the fundaroup, or individual--hat the Forsytes scented; the preer put a burnish on their armour For the first ti in contact, with soainst the piano ataistcoats on his wide chest, taistcoats and a ruby pin, instead of the single satin waistcoat and diamond pin of more usual occasions, and his shaven, square, old face, the colour of pale leather, with pale eyes, had its nified look, above his satin stock This ithin Forsyte Close to the here he could get more than his fair share of fresh air, the other twin, James--the fat and the lean of it, old Jolyon called these brothers--like the bulky Swithin, over six feet in height, but very lean, as though destined froe, brooded over the scene with his perrey eyes had an air of fixed absorption in so scrutiny of surrounding facts; his cheeks, thinned by two parallel folds, and a long, clean-shaven upper lip, were framed within Dundreary whiskers In his hands he turned and turned a piece of china Not far off, listening to a lady in brown, his only son Soames, pale and well-shaved, dark-haired, rather bald, had poked his chin up sideways, carrying his nose with that aforesaid appearance of 'sniff,' as though despising an egg which he knew he could not digest Behind hier, had a Quilpish look on his fleshy face, pondering one of his sardonic jests So inherent to the occasion had affected them all

Seated in a row close to one another were three ladies--Aunts Ann, Hester (the two Forsyte maids), and Juley (short for Julia), who not in first youth had so far forgotten herself as to marry Septimus Small, a man of poor constitution She had survived hier sister she lived now in the house of Tiest brother, on the Bayswater Road Each of these ladies held fans in their hands, and each with some touch of colour, some emphatic feather or brooch, testified to the solemnity of the opportunity