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Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 6460K 2023-09-01

"Miss Eyre, I repeat it, you can leave ? Why do you reiven you notice to quit?"

"Because I am comfortable there"

"No, Jane, you are not comfortable there, because your heart is not

with me: it is with this cousin--this St John Oh, till this

ht my little Jane was all mine! I had a belief she

loved me even when she leftas we have been parted, hot tears as I have wept over

our separation, I never thought that while I was rieving Jane, leave o and marry Rivers"

"Shake me off, then, sir,--push me away, for I'll not leave you of

my own accord"

"Jane, I ever like your tone of voice: it still renews hope, it

sounds so truthful When I hear it, it carries et that you have foro, sir?"

"Your oith the husband you have chosen"

"Who is that?"

"You know--this St John Rivers"