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Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 7120K 2023-09-01

Hannah was evidently fond of talking While I picked the fruit, and

she ive me sundry

details about her deceased master andpeople

Old Mr Rivers, she said, was a plain entleman,

and of as ancient a faed to the Rivers ever since it was a house: and it was, she

affirmed, "aboon two hundred year old--for all it looked but a

srand hall

down i' Morton Vale But she could remember Bill Oliver's father a

journeyentry i' th' owd days o'

th' Henrys, as onybody isters i'

Morton Church vestry" Still, she allowed, "the owd ht , and far, and sich like" The reat reader, and studied a deal; and the "bairns" had

taken after her There was nothing like the, all three, almost from the

time they could speak; and they had always been "of a o to college and be a

parson; and the girls, as soon as they left school, would seek

places as governesses: for they had told her their father had soreat deal of