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It was dated three years back
"Why did I never hear of this?" I asked
"Because I disliked you too fixedly and thoroughly ever to lend a
hand in lifting you to prosperity I could not forget your conduct
to me, Jane--the fury hich you once turned on me; the tone in
which you declared you abhorred me the worst of anybody in the
world; the unchildlike look and voice hich you affirht of me made you sick, and asserted that I had
treated you with et my own
sensations when you thus started up and poured out the venom of your
mind: I felt fear as if an animal that I had struck or pushed had
looked up atme some water! Oh, make haste!"
"Dear Mrs Reed," said I, as I offered her the draught she required,
"think no ive ht,
nine years have passed since that day"
She heeded nothing of what I said; but when she had tasted the water
and drawn breath, she went on thus "I tell you I could not forget it; and I took e: for you