Page 185 (1/2)

Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 6080K 2023-09-01

"His name is Mason, sir; and he comes from the West Indies; from

Spanish Town, in Ja near me; he had taken ave rip;

the sht his breath

"Mason!--the West Indies!" he said, in the tone one le words; "Mason!--the West

Indies!" he reiterated; and he went over the syllables three times,

growing, in the intervals of speaking, whiter than ashes: he hardly


"Do you feel ill, sir?" I inquired

"Jane, I've got a blow; I've got a blow, Jane!" He staggered

"Oh, lean on me, sir"

"Jane, you offered me your shoulder once before; let me have it


"Yes, sir, yes; andon me, at the same time, with the most

troubled and dreary look

"My little friend!" said he, "I wish I were in a quiet island with