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Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 6840K 2023-09-01

"Was that Grace Poole? and is she possessed with a devil?" thought

I Io to Mrs

Fairfax I hurried on my frock and a shawl; I withdrew the bolt and

opened the door with a tre

just outside, and on the allery I was surprised at

this circumstance: but still more was I amazed to perceive the air

quite diht

hand and left, to find whence these blue wreaths issued, I became

further aware of a strong s creaked: it was a door ajar; and that door was Mr

Rochester's, and the sht

no ht no h: in an instant, I ithin the chaues of flame

darted round the bed: the curtains were on fire In the midst of

blaze and vapour, Mr Rochester lay stretched motionless, in deep


"Wake! wake!" I cried I shook him, but he only murmured and

turned: the smoke had stupefied hi, I rushed to his basin and ewer;

fortunately, one ide and the other deep, and both were filled