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I, indeed, talked comparatively little, but I heard him talk with
relish It was his nature to be communicative; he liked to open to
a limpses of its scenes and ways
(I do not mean its corrupt scenes and wicked ways, but such as
derived their interest froe novelty by which they were characterised); and I
had a keen delight in receiving the new ideas he offered, in
i him in
thought through the new regions he disclosed, never startled or
troubled by one noxious allusion
The ease of his manner freed me from painful restraint: the
friendly frankness, as correct as cordial, hich he treated me,
drew me to him I felt at times as if he were my relation rather
than my master: yet he was imperious sometimes still; but I did not
ratified did I
become with this new interest added to life, that I ceased to pine
after kindred: e; the