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Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 7110K 2023-09-01

Boulogne Nexthim; left

a bullet in one of his poor etiolated ar of a

chicken in the pip, and then thought I had done with the whole crew

But unluckily the Varens, six iven hter; and perhaps she

rim paternity written in her

countenance: Pilot is more like me than she Some years after I

had broken with the mother, she abandoned her child, and ran away to

Italy with a ed no natural claim on

Adele's part to be supported by e any,

for I a that she was quite destitute, I

e'en took the poor thing out of the slirow up clean in the wholesoarden Mrs Fairfax found you to train it; but now

you know that it is the illegitiirl, you will perhaps think differently of your post and protegee:

you will be co to me some day with notice that you have found

another place--that you beg overness, &c-
