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It was very near, but not yet in sight; when, in addition to the
trae, and close down by the
hazel ste, whose black and white colour ainst the trees It was exactly one for hair and a huge
head: it passedto look
up, with strange pretercanine eyes, in my face, as I half expected
it would The horse followed,--a tall steed, and on its back a
rider The
ever rode the Gytrash: it was always alone; and goblins, to ht tenant the dumb carcasses of beasts,
could scarce covet shelter in the commonplace hu the short cut to
Millcote He passed, and I went on; a few steps, and I turned: a
sliding sound and an excla tumble, arrested my attention Man and horse were
down; they had slipped on the sheet of ice which glazed the
causeway The dog ca his roan, barked till the evening
hills echoed the sound, which was deep in proportion to his
roup, and then he ran up