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Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 7880K 2023-09-01

I sat up in bed by way of arousing this said brain: it was a chilly

night; I covered ain with all ht

"What do I want? A new place, in a new house, ast new faces,

under new circu anything better How do people do to get a new place? They

apply to friends, I suppose: I have no friends There are many

others who have no friends, who must look about for themselves and

be their own helpers; and what is their resource?"

I could not tell: nothing answered me; I then ordered my brain to

find a response, and quickly It worked and worked faster: I felt

the pulses throb in my head and temples; but for nearly an hour it

worked in chaos; and no result caot up and took a turn in the room; undrew the

curtain, noted a star or two, shivered with cold, and again crept to


A kind fairy, in estion on my pillow; for as I lay down, it came quietly and

naturally to my mind--"Those ant situations advertise; you

about advertising"

Replies rose smooth and prompt now:"You must enclose the advertisement and the money to pay for it