Page 59 (1/2)

Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 6530K 2023-09-01

Ere the half-hour ended, five o'clock struck; school was disone into the refectory to tea I now ventured to

descend: it was deep dusk; I retired into a corner and sat down on

the floor The spell by which I had been so far supported began to

dissolve; reaction took place, and soon, so overwhelrief that seized round

Noept: Helen Burns was not here; nothing sustained me; left to

myself I abandoned myself, and my tears watered the boards I had

ood, and to do so much at Lowood: to make so many

friends, to earn respect and win affection Already I hadI had reached the head of my

class; Miss Miller had praised me warmly; Miss Temple had s, and to let me

learn French, if I continued to er: and then I ell received by e, and not ain crushed and trodden on; and could I ever rise ht; and ardently I wished to die While sobbing out

this wish in broken accents, soain Helen Burns was near , vacant roo," she said; but I put both away fro as if a drop or a cruarded itation, though I tried hard; I continued to weep