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Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 8860K 2023-09-01

The garden was a wide inclosure, surrounded alls so high as to

exclude every glimpse of prospect; a covered verandah ran down one

side, and broad walks bordered a middle space divided into scores of

little beds: these beds were assigned as gardens for the pupils to

cultivate, and each bed had an owner When full of flowers they

would doubtless look pretty; but now, at the latter end of January,

all intry blight and brown decay I shuddered as I stood and

looked round me: it was an inclement day for outdoor exercise; not

positively rainy, but darkened by a drizzling yellow fog; all under

foot was still soaking ith the floods of yesterday The

stronger aaether for shelter and warst these, as the densefrah

As yet I had spoken to no one, nor did anybody seeh: but to that feeling of isolation I

was accustoainst a

pillar of the verandah, drew et the cold which nipped nawedand thinking My reflections were too

undefined and fragmentary to merit record: I hardly yet knehere