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"Nothing, indeed," thought I, as I struggled to repress a sob, and
hastily wiped away souish
"Deceit is, indeed, a sad fault in a child," said Mr Brocklehurst;
"it is akin to falsehood, and all liars will have their portion in
the lake burning with fire and brimstone; she shall, however, be
watched, Mrs Reed I will speak to Miss Teht up in aher
prospects," continued my benefactress; "to be made useful, to be
kept humble: as for the vacations, she will, with your permission,
spend them always at Lowood"
"Your decisions are perfectly judicious, madarace, and one peculiarly
appropriate to the pupils of Lowood; I, therefore, direct that
especial care shall be bestowed on its cultivation ast them I
have studied how best to mortify in them the worldly senti proof of usta, ith her mama to visit
the school, and on her return she exclaiirls at Lowood look, with their hair co pinafores, and those little
holland pockets outside their frocks--they are almost like poor
people's children! and,' said she, 'they looked at own before'"
"This is the state of things I quite approve," returned Mrs Reed;