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"Don't!" pleaded his wife "I feel so guilty"

"Who is it?" asked George again "Your step- so bad as that It's old

Marsh positively festive"

"I feel so awful, Mr Bevan," said Alice "You know, I left the

castle without a word to anyone, and he doesn't know yet that there

won't be any secretary waiting for hie's shoulder and chuckled

"It's all right, darling Don't worry We can nip off secretly by

the other door He's not going to stop us He's got a girl with

hi away

sixteen to the dozen to a frightfully pretty girl with gold hair

If you slew the old bean round at an angle of about forty-five,

Bevan, old top, you can see her Take a look He won't see you

He's got his back to us"

"Do you call her pretty?" asked Alice disparagingly

"Now that I take a good look, precious," replied Reggie with

alacrity, "no! Absolutely not! Not my style at all!"

His wife cruie dear," she said softly "She's

waving to you"