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The nosis He was seeing

clearer and clearer into the thing every minute

"Looney!" he decided "This 'ere one's bin moppin' of it up, and

the one in the keb's orf 'is bloomin' onion That's why 'e 's

standin' up instead of settin' 'E won't set down 'cept you bring

'ie bea is admirable, but--"

He broke off here, not because he had notman, now in quite a Berserk fra at the cab door and clutched the handle,

which he was about to wrench when George acted with all the

promptitude and decision which had marked his behaviour from the


It was a situation which called for the nicest judgment To allow

the assailant free play with the handle or even to wrestle with hiht open and

reveal the girl To bust the young man on the jaw, as proe's eyes a practical policy

Excellent a deterrent as the threat of such a proceeding ht of Gaols yawn and

actions for assault lie in wait for those who go about the place

busting their fellows on the jaw No So

decided and i that stopped