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But the Nawab interposed with moderate speech "It is," said he, "a wise
"The services of a skilful necroreatly needed at the
present," whispered a courtier
Many of the coaze the
distant horizon They looked far a-field, but high overhead the robber
looked down on them There was the falcon an to sink Swiftly it fell, and a cry escaped the lips of the
feho observed it The bird's keeper was off with the expedition, but
as it reached the earth, a very few yards from the Rajah's circle, a
dozen h, his hand it
was that grasped it It was tired, and stood on his left wrist with
anything but the air of a convicted thief, as with head bent sideways it
inspected the throng Atma strode forward to the Rajah, and a dismayed
cry arose that the Sapphire was lost indeed The bird no longer held it
At h, and